We work on many makes.

We work on many makes.
Call me and order.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Just a cool Japanese car line.


I have owned Toyotas...they are a good car.

If you have the trade or the money to buy a new car....

End of the year car buying is mostly the way to go.    Rebates alone make it worth showing up at our dealership.    The left overs and the new units coming in... You have a good selection to pick.     The salesmen are ready to make a deal.   Summer is gone.   It has slowed up.   It is time to haggle.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Week after next the tree comes back for a month or so.

Image result for chrismas tree at dealership

Image result for chrismas tree at dealership

Image result for chrismas tree at dealership

So many cool trees....no time.  

I also got the skip gone on the Neon.

Image result for neon valve cover 2.0

Image result for neon valve cover 2.0

Image result for neon valve cover 2.0

The wires go right into the top engine cover over the plugs.    In a great world the tubes in there never move up and push out the  seals.   But they did on my ride.   So oil ruins the plugs,  the wires,  and if left it could kill the motor.   The cat. to can be ruined.    Don't leave this deal.   Fix it and move on.  

Image result for neon valve cover 2.0

About a 40 dollar kit and some tune up stuff and you are back running on all four.